Viscoderm Skin Booster: Tailored Treatment for Forehead Lines

The horizontal lines on the forehead are typically treated with Botox, however, this lady was an unsuitable candidate for Botox so we had to explore other options.

To achieve these results, we opted for an injectable product called Viscoderm Hydrobooster.

What is Viscoderm Skin Booster?

Viscoderm Skin Booster is an injectable product designed to deeply hydrate the skin, improving its quality and promoting a natural glow and radiance. Skin boosters deeply hydrate the skin, improving its quality and radiance, without adding volume or filling wrinkles like traditional dermal fillers. As a result, skin boosters have become increasingly popular. 

Viscoderm Skin Boosting Treatment

Using two different injection techniques, the product was placed deep in the dermis and then more superficially. Two treatments were performed 8 weeks apart. We think you will agree this is a lovely result.

One thing we can promise here at SKINLAB is that your treatment is bespoke to you.

We do not embark upon treatments until we understand your concerns, and have taken your medication and medical history into consideration. The products we used are of the highest quality, purchased from reputable pharmacies and are backed by clinical research.

You are in safe hands.

Take control of your skincare journey with Viscoderm Skin Booster at SKINLAB. Your skin deserves the best, and we're here to deliver exceptional results tailored to your unique needs. To book a consultation, click on the link below and choose Viscoderm consultation


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