Dealing with redness & rosacea

About redness & rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition characterised by facial flushing, redness, telangiectasia (visible vessels), bumps and pimples. The first sign of rosacea may be redness or flushing that comes and goes. 

The cause of rosacea is not yet certain; theories relate to bacteria that live in the colon, an allergy to a natural mite (demodex mite) that lives in our skin, unstable vessels, genetics and sun exposure. What we do know is that something irritates the skin, leading to chronic inflammation with intermittent flare-ups.

  • If skin is sensitive or damaged, it will not cope with daily common daily aggressors. Since the skin is compromised and unable to properly protect itself from this reaction, the body sends blood to the areas as a defense mechanism, but it also brings heat, redness and inflammation. If this flushing reaction occurs regularly over time, the blood vessels just under the skin will become dilated and the redness will be more permanent. As a result, the skin will become more vulnerable to daily aggressors and rosacea symptoms will get worse.

Redness and Rosacea Skin Conditions


    • very hot or cold weather

    • wind exposure

    • hot showers, baths, saunas

    • products with fragrance, alcohols, abrasives and other irritating substances

    • choose gentle products and choose less products

    • overheating can trigger flushing

    • try to stay cool while exercising

    • certain medications can cause flushing

    • extended use of cortisone creams can worsen rosacea

    • stress is a common trigger for rosacea

    • try to manage stress by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy balanced diet, and practicing relaxation techniques

    • hot drinks and hot soups

    • caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee

    • alcohol

    • spicy food

    • wear sunscreen daily (with an SPF of at least 30)

    • physical filters like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide keep skin cooler by reflecting UV rays away from the skin

    • avoid sun between 11am and 4pm

Recommended treatments

In order to treat redness/rosacea, it’s important that we understand your skin. Please book a Skin Analysis so that we can recommend the right treatment for you.


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